Monday, April 1, 2019

7 Weeks

It's a Wrap

When we started our vacation the seven weeks stretched ahead like we had all the time in the world, and time kind of stood still.  Then all of a sudden it seemed like we only had a couple of days left before it was time to pack it in.   

Ken has always wanted to get off the canal boat at the Hilton and have a drink at the Boat Landing Cantina so we made sure to tick that off our to-do list this time.  The nachos were delicious!

Usually we go to the Lava Lava Beach Club on our last night but this year we switched it up and went over a night early to share in the music and ambiance.

Our final day we spent at our favourite beach (where Ted lost his Maui Jim sunglasses in the water but fortunately a woman found them!), then returned home for mai tais on our lanai to watch the sunset.  Beautiful place, lots of  laughs, funny things that happened, and great memories made...