Monday, March 4, 2013

Tennis - by guest blogger Shirley

Above photo is a lovely shot of Ted enjoying his game of tennis.

Below is the outcome of Val's game of tennis - by guest blogger Shirley:

Here is our athlete friend Val!  She decided to join her lovely husband Ted in a game of tennis this morning.  As the game ensued, and two other tourists joined them; one from Romana and one from Los Angeles, Val used one of her special moves, and as you can see from the picture below the move was not so special and as Ted described she went down as if she was shot!  As Ken and I leisurely relax doing laundry and reading our books - the condo phone rings, its Ted calling 911 (Ken's ambulance jeep service).  Off Ken goes and rescues our friend.  Home she arrives and I her personal first aid attendant pours her a glass of wine (first things first) and then attends to her wounds.  No more special moves for Val.  Ted is worried about being her personal server for the rest of the trip-needless to say is enjoying every moment of it.


  1. Looks rough. My only recommendations is to keep those legs elevated and ice your drinks to keep the hand cool.

  2. Oh no! Hope you are okay! Phone home!
